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  • 12 Calming And Fun Self-Care Day At Home Ideas For MCO 3.0

    Eunis Ong
    Last updated 20 May 2021

    Photo Credit: @thenatstory (left)

    Treat Yourself To Some Self-Care This MCO (Perfect For The Raya Holidays!)

    The COVID-19 pandemic has turned the world upside down and brought about drastic changes to all our lives. According to research, individuals across the globe have been reporting increased feelings of anxiety, loneliness, stress, and helplessness while navigating the new normal brought about by the pandemic.
    These feelings tend to creep in more so often with lockdown measures that drive everyone into the confinements of the four walls of our homes, a space that may not be the most productive inspiring one for some.
    If you're struggling to cope with these tough times, always remember that it's okay to not be okay all the time, and that you deserve a breather and some self-care when you feel the negative emotions kick in. Self-care often involves being engaged in activities and behaviors that you find enjoyable and are capable of improving your physical, emotional, spiritual, or mental health. While everyone deals with emotions differently, we hope our suggestions may help you practice self-care at home this MCO!

    Self-Care Day At Home Ideas

    1. Take A Day Off

    When was the last time you carved out some time-out for yourself? Our number one idea to practicing self-care is not a mind-blowing one, but one that a lot of people need to be reminded of. The work-life balance line has become blurry for many with work-from-home measures becoming part of the new normal. Long hours spent staring at a screen and cracking your brain isn't healthy for you. While we can't take a day off to go on a holiday or embark on a spontaneous trip as of now, you can still take a day off from work when you're feeling the burnout creeping in.
    Apply for a day off and allow yourself to do activities that can help you recharge and restore the zen you need. You get to decide how you'd like to spend your day - whether it's in bed binging on a new Netflix series without feeling guilty or dedicating some time for your hobbies like painting, cooking, reading, or working out. Time to clear off some of your accumulated annual leaves, especially if you've brought forward some from 2020!

    2. Do Something Therapeutic

    Therapeutic activities that are capable of injecting you with feelings of calmness are great for self-care. In fact, many professionals in the realm of mental health suggest having a go-to list of therapeutic self-care activities that 'work' for you which you can turn to whenever you're dealing with stress or negative emotions.
    On days when you're in need of some self-care, take your mind off your worries by engaging in therapeutic activities or tasks that calm you down, may it be heading out to do some casual grocery shopping, going for a walk as the sun is setting, cooking your favourite meal, listening to calming music, painting, or even doing the dishes.
    For those who're looking for something artsy and therapeutic to do at home, get a DIY Terrarium Kit or Home Bonding Art Kit delivered to your doorstep and spend a calming time putting together your very own miniature forest or painting a beautiful starry night sky. Both kits are bookable on Klook and can be delivered to your doorstep, they also come with everything you need from all the equipment to digital guides!

    3. Set Aside Time To Unplug

    Most of us have been spending more and more time glued to our screens and on social media especially when we're stuck at home. Unless you feel like spending all that time online is contributing to your emotional and mental wellbeing, it's good to set aside some time to unplug and practice some digital detox from time to time.
    Stop scrolling through social media mindlessly or getting overwhelmed with emails or texts and give your eyes, brain, and heart a break from your newsfeed. If this sounds difficult to you, allow yourself to start with small steps that can be incorporated into your daily routine like avoiding your phone for the first hour when you wake up or the hour before you go to sleep.
    Instead of picking up your phone, start and end your day with a healthier routine - make yourself a nice cup of tea or morning coffee, spend half an hour reading, do some stretches, plan your day, or go out for a short walk. Take this time to declutter your mind and train yourself to not need to check your phone every few minutes.

    4. Make Plans For A Future Trip

    For those who miss the freedom of travelling, we're here with you. While travelling remains out of the question at the moment, it doesn't hurt to start dreaming a little and begin planning an upcoming adventure. Elevate your spirits by doing some fun travel research, writing down the places you'd like to visit, things you'd like to eat, and sights you'd like to soak in, and be ready to book that flight ticket once things get better!
    Planning for an upcoming adventure makes it easier to get through these tough times and gives you something to work towards. Instead of planning for an overseas trip that may seem too far-fetched for now, plan a weekend staycation, a local beach holiday, a glamping trip, or a road trip to some underrated gems in Malaysia - nearby explorations that you can embark on once the MCO gets lifted.

    5. Explore A New Hobby

    Dedicating time to your passions (may it be a new one or something you've always enjoyed doing) is great for practicing self-care - it helps exercise different parts of your brain, keeps you motivated and inspired, and is known to help relieve stress and fight anxiety. If you don't have a hobby, make time for yourself to explore something new, whether it's painting, doodling, photography, baking, writing, gardening, or a new type of sport.
    Photo Credit: @kellytannnn
    Don't worry if you're bad at it (it doesn't matter), but focus instead on how it makes you feel. If the new hobby you're trying out doesn't spark joy for you, move on and find another. Keep searching until you find that sweet spot and 'happy place' for yourself when what you do fills you with peace, calmness, inspiration, and enthusiasm. Write a book (even if it's just for yourself), get some houseplants (and try to keep them alive!), or make a mess in the kitchen trying to make a Korean bento cake!
    Hobbies & workshops to explore post-MCO:

    6. Declutter And Marie Kondo Your Life

    Using the words of Marie Kondo, the best way to choose what to keep and what to discard is to evaluate each item in your life and ask yourself: "does this spark joy?". If it does, keep it; if not, it's time to let it go. Removing things that bring you unhappiness is vital in self-care, and one of the most effective ways to make you feel better in the long term. While you can of course clean out your closet or declutter your work desk as part of your self-care routine, decluttering can also go beyond just that.
    Besides the clutter of physical items, clutter can also come in the form of negative thoughts, toxic relationships, and noise that contributes to your unhappiness. Practice self-care by decluttering your room, physical space, phone, and even your social circle. Reorganize your social media life by heading onto Instagram and 'clean up' your following list; delete photos from your phone gallery that remind you of unhappy times; subscribe to Youtube channels that only create content that you truly enjoy. These small actions can do wonders in improving your overall wellbeing without you noticing!

    7. Design A Morning Routine For Yourself

    Your morning routine helps you set the tone for the day, and is honestly more important than you probably think it is. Setting a good morning routine for yourself helps you start your day fresh, happy, and confident, and can do magic in helping you power through the day. Design a morning routine that energizes you, and don't be afraid to experiment a bit while you find out what really works for you.
    Some people start their day with a morning walk, while others prefer to make themselves a nice cup of coffee as they listen to their favourite podcast - there are of course many ideal morning routines, but you have to find one that gives you the calmness and motivation you need. Instead of dragging yourself out of bed after scrolling through Instagram for half an hour, figure out the morning routine that helps you get ready for a good day ahead.

    8. Try Journaling

    Did you know that self-care journaling is a thing? Many people who have tried it have found penning down their thoughts helpful in clearing their mind and improving their mood. If you're new to journaling (or even skeptical about it), consider trying it out and see if it helps you in navigating your emotions. There are many ways to do self-care journaling and you can always adapt it to fit you better. Some popular things people journal about include:
    • Doing a daily Gratitude List - reflect on your day and note down the things that you're grateful for every day, once you start doing this, you'll realize that it's always possible to find something to be thankful about even on your worst days! Learn to appreciate and acknowledge the small things in life.
    • Write down a list of your favourite things - may it be your favourite activities to do, your favourite meals, or people that make you smile. A list of favourites keeps you grounded and you can always revisit it on your down days and try to incorporate some of the things in your day to make yourself feel better.
    • Pen down how you're feeling - connect with your feelings better and give yourself an outlet to release any emotions trapped within. This is especially effective if you're finding it hard to verbalize or express your thoughts and feelings. Instead of bottling them up, try writing them down and see if it helps you feel better.

    9. Spend Time With Your Loved Ones

    Surround yourself with people who love and encourage you, and don't be afraid to let go of those who bring toxicity and unhappiness into your life. If you don't feel like you have anyone to talk to, reach out and try to seek help (both from your personal circle or professional help if you need to).
    For those who're struggling to get hold of a support system, check out some counselling, therapy, and support group options available in Malaysia here. Please always remember that you don't have to go through this alone.

    10. Get Some Exercise And Vitamin D

    While exercising may sound tiring and isn't your thing, it's likely you'll fall in love with it once you find the type of exercise that suits you. Besides, getting a good sweat and some vitamin D (especially after being cooped up indoors facing a screen for so long due to the MCO!) is definitely going to do wonders for you both physically and mentally.
    Elevate your spirits by going on a nice walk or by trying a home workout. If you're not a fan of intense exercises, do some simple stretches, try yoga, or even attempt to pick up meditation. For those who need an extra push or motivation, hop on a video call and have a virtual workout session with your friends!

    11. Treat Yourself Once In A While

    If you don't love yourself, who else will? On days when you desperately need some extra love, treat yourself to something that makes you happy, may it be ordering in your favourite dessert after a particularly draining day, or finally clicking 'buy now' to that dress you've been eyeing on for the longest time.
    Treat yourself to the simple pleasures that can elevate your mood - like taking a long, hot shower, or allowing yourself an extra hour of sleep after a long week. It's easy to be hard on yourself, so even while you push yourself to your limits, always remember that it's ok to slow down and treat yourself to some kindness once in a while.

    12. Just Do Whatever You Want

    While most advice on practicing self-care focuses on adopting healthy habits such as eating well and sleeping well, it's ok if you're not yet ready for that. We've suggested a digital detox and getting some exercise in the earlier points in this article, but know that it's fine if you don't want to do any of that. If you just want to sleep in or stay in bed all day, binge-watch your favourite Kdrama for hours, and are craving a cheeseburger at night, do it!
    Do whatever you want for the day, give your mind a break, and stop worrying about whether you should. Think what you love doing is a waste of time? Well, there's a saying that time you enjoyed wasting is not wasted time. If you feel like not eating or being healthy for a day, then don't be.

    Plan A Post-MCO Getaway

    For the wanderlusts out that, travel is often the best form of self-care. Plan your next escape on Klook whether it's a weekend city staycation, a nature getaway, or a beach holiday.

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