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  • Recreate Your Favourite Pasar Malam Treats Like Ramly Burger And Takoyaki

    Brandon Loo
    Brandon Loo
    Last updated 15 May 2020
    pasar malam recipes-cover-image

    It’s not the same without Pasar Malams during May

    The islandwide closures of Pasar Malam during this challenging COVID-19 period has resulted in disappointed sighs from Singaporeans, who have been looking forward to this annual festivity. Mostly because of all the good food that we’ll be missing.
    Ramadhan Bazaar Roti John Recipe
    Photo Credits: boo lee (Flickr)
    Thankfully most Singaporeans have leveled up their cooking skills during this #circuitbreaker period and have been whipping up Masterchef-worthy dishes in the past few weeks. Despite not being able to get your favourite food from the bazaars this year, you can still try cooking them yourself at home with the recipe videos we've compiled below!

    1. Ramly Burger

    Before another Crispy Rendang saga unfolds, we can assure you that no recipes were harmed in the making of this video. I made one myself!
    If this has got you craving for a Ramly Burger, get yours delivered to your home now!

    2. Roti John

    Roti John is easily one of the simplest yet satisfying dishes you can get at any Pasar Malam! This variation of an omelette sandwich is actually really easy to recreate and you can customize yours with your favourite toppings while you make it at home.

    3. Murtabak

    Video by El Mundo Eats
    It's always hard to resist the Murtabak stall while you're walking through the Pasar Malam, it always smells so good. Learn how to make your own juicy Murtabak with just a few simple ingredients!
    Where there’s Murtabak, there’s always Roti Prata

    4. Crispy Apam Balik (Min Chiang Kueh)

    Video by El Mundo Eats
    Fluffy Apam Balik that's crispy on the outside and filled with peanuts and cream corn on the inside - this is another must-have Pasar Malam snack! Learn how to cook Apam Balik with the right amount of crisp from the video above. If you're feeling a bit adventurous, you can even fill yours with unconventional fillings of your choice such as chocolate and cheese!

    5. Takoyaki

    Video by 主婦腕
    This popular Japanese snack from Osaka has found its way into both our hearts and stomachs! Although widely available around Singapore, something about the Takoyaki you get from Pasar Malams makes it that much more delicious.

    6. Ayam Percik

    The trick to a good Ayam Percik lies in its marinade. Marinate your chicken with turmeric, lemongrass, cumin, and coconut milk, then roast it to absolute perfection. The thought of it is already making us drool. Make sure you try out the recipe and share photos of your masterpiece with us!

    7. Onde-Onde

    Who else loves the surprise burst of flavour when you bite into an Onde-Onde and have your mouth filled up with the sweetness of the gula melaka? Follow the recipe video above to make your own addictive onde-onde that's perfect to accompany your Iftar meal.

    8. Kueh TuTu

    Another popular dessert that can be found at Pasar Malams, soft like a pillow on the outside and sweet like candy on the inside. A bite of this dessert will definitely bring back some childhood memories!

    9. Goreng Pisang

    Video by Spice N' Pans
    It may sound easy to make a fried banana, but don’t underestimate this Pasar Malam favourite! In order to make a batch of truly crispy Goreng Pisang, you’ve got to keep your batter light and fluffy and your oil at a constant temperature.

    10. Vadai

    This soft and crispy Indian doughnut is a classic Singaporean snack loved by both adults and children alike! We’re not sure about you, but the first stop we make at every Pasar Malam is to the Vadai store. 

    Check out these other recipes

    Break fast with Klook’s Ramadan deals! 

    No time to prep your own Pasar Malam-worthy dishes? Break your fast with some Ramadan specials available for takeaway and delivery from Klook instead!