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  • 【Save the Children】中環PMQ:救助兒童會100周年活動

    Klook Team
    Klook Team
    Last updated 2020年3月14日
    Happiness is not inevitable, yet we can still strive for it. Can you imagine a future without choices? Countless children in the world live in conflict-prone areas, and the flames of war have deprived them of their choice of future mercilessly.
    在香港,我們也可以出一分力,了解他們多一點,盡一分力讓世界看見。今年是Save the Children救助兒童會成立100周年,一個世紀以來,該組織在全球保護了數以百萬計的兒童,讓他們有機會發展個人潛能。
    In Hong Kong, we can help making a difference, by understanding them a little more and raising the issue to the world. 2019 marks the 100th anniversary of establishment of Save the Children. For a century, the organization has protected hundreds of millions of children around the world and given them the chance to realize their potential.
    This year, the organization has dedicated a special event “Stop the War on Children” to commemorate the milestone. It is hoped that the event is able to take the public to the forefront of the war, and understand the difficult situation these children are facing in the conflict zones


    Save the Children創辦人埃格蘭泰恩.傑布(Eglantyne Jebb)曾說:每場戰爭都是對兒童的戰爭。

    “Stop the War on Children” Experiential Event

    “Every war is a war against children”, Eglantyne Jebb – Founder of Save the Children
    100 years ago, Save the Children was launched to help children affected by war. A century on, today’s wars continue to cause great suffering for children.In our centenary year, Save the Children is launching the “Stop the War on Children” campaign to raise public awareness to protect children in conflict. Please join us for the meaningful event.
    Together, let’s make the world a better place for children.
    地點:PMQ元創坊 Marketplace & Courtyard(中環鴨巴甸街35號
    時間:5月11日(星期六)1:00pm – 9:00pm、5月12日(星期日)10:00am – 9:00pm
    • 戰地教室──體驗在戰地裡上課
    • 榮獲國際獎項港產戰地記者童纓瑩相展──窺探鏡頭下的戰地世界
    • 繪本讀書會──帶孩子踏入戰地的繪本世界
    • 實境VR──仿如置身戰地現場的體
    • 希望之壁──為受戰禍影響的兒童送上祝福
    Venue: PMQ – Marketplace & Courtyard (No.35 Aberdeen Street, Central)
    Date and Time: May 11 2019 (Sat) 1:00pm – 9:00pm, May 12 2019 (Sun) 10:00am – 9:00pm
    Event Highlights:
    • Photo exhibition by Hong Kong-born award-winning warzone photojournalist Nicole Tung
    • Ruined classroom installation
    • Virtual reality video experience
    • Storytelling sessions for children by Rolling Books
    • “Share your dreams and wishes” classroom wall