While there’s plenty to be miffed about during the current global lockdown, there’s also plenty to enjoy about it!
Lie-ins, Netflix lunch breaks and no-one’s wasting any time or money on commuting (seriously - who wants to spend a gazillion pounds a month to not get a seat and not get to work on time??)
But the main thing that’s been keeping us all going has been the sheer, gold-plated creativity that the internet’s kicking out, every single day!
One thing we’ve loved seeing, is the different types of VC’ers out there.
Normally when people join a video call while WFH, people have a plain white backdrop, maybe a dusty bookshelf, or if they’re really fancy…a window and some pot plants!
But with people having to join VCs pretty much all day every day, we’re getting to see so much more of their homes and their working styles, and some of the positions people get themselves into while trying to look professional with Deadpool style “minimum effort”.
The "I'm gonna need physio"…
The ‘keep calm and look professional’…
The ‘yogi’…
The 'multi-tasker'…
The "i totally woke-up like this"…
The "play it cool, Rodney"…
The ‘working hard or hardly working’…
The ‘permanently peckish’…
And of course, the ‘occupied’…
(Susan - we don’t know what you’re doing behind that screen, and we really don’t want to!)
If you’ve got any weird, whacky or wonderful VC positions you find yourself in, then don’t forget to tag us in them on IG (@Klook_UK) - just use the timer on your camera or ask a housemate and we’ll give the most creative ones a shout-out on our social channels!