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  • UK Workers Decide to #TravelFromHome

    Gareth C-J
    Last updated 17 Mar 2020
    It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…” 📚
    Well no, actually Charlie boy, because as it happens, March 2020 is actually just the worst of times. 
    The news is even more depressing than ever, a trip to the supermarket is like the first 30 seconds of the Hunger Games 😱, and we’re all having to work from home which means we have to set up a full-on video conference just to get the weekend’s gossip! 😬
    And without wanting to get too heavy with it (because we’re obviously all aware of how serious this situation really is), even worse than the lack of work-place gossip, is the fact that so many people have had their travel plans and holidays scuppered with no sign of silver lining! 💔
    Or at least that was the case until recently, but - because there’s always a ‘but’! - there is actually one good thing to come out of all this ‘self-isolation’ and ‘social distancing’ business, and that’s the #TravelFromHome movement that’s started rumbling away out there on the Interweb world.
    Flight been cancelled? It’s time to #TravelFromHome.
    Tickets been voided?  It’s time to #TravelFromHome.
    Hotel closed for the month? It’s time to #TravelFromHome.
    Because yes, being stuck in four walls sucks. And yes, having your travel plans scuppered sucks. But like they say, when life gives you lemons? Make lemonade, and these bunch of travellers are determined to get their fill of adventure...
    Don't be shy - send us your #TravelFromHome pics on Facebook or Instagram and let's help keep the spirit of adventure strong! 💪
    Want to get involved? 📸 Recreate your favourite travel picture
    🤳 Share it with #TravelFromHome and tag @Klook_UK on Instagram
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