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  • 10 other things Jackie Weaver has no authority over. Travel edition.

    Ellie Gregson
    Last updated 10 Feb 2021
    “You have no authority here Jackie Weaver” a phrase made famous during a virtual Handforth Parish Council meeting as the now infamous Jackie Weaver willfully dismissed fellow councillors from the call. Which apparently she had no authority to do… It made us wonder what else does Jackie Weaver have no authority over?
    Here’s the 10 things we also think Jackie Weaver has no control over, travel edition.
    1. Covid travel restrictions? Don’t blame Jackie…
    Jackie will remove you from zoom but she can’t remove you from Lockdown
    2. Booking tickets before your leave is approved? Jackie can’t help but also likes to live dangerously…
    Jackie doesn’t care if you’re the chairman, she won’t guarantee you are gonna get the time off
    3. Wether your suitcase is actually over the weight limit or not. Jackie can’t get that extra bag on for you.
    Jackie will throw her weight around but can’t get your weight allowed
    4. Good money conversion rate?.... Don’t ask Jackie.
    In this situation Jackie's authority is as useless as travellers cheques
    5. Who gets picked for ‘random security check’. Jackie won’t sneak you through…
    Rumour has it Jackie pointed at you as you went through
    6. Who gets the armrest on the plane. Jackie can’t help those awkward extremity bumps.
    Jackie's geographical remit does not extend from Handforth to your armrests i'm afraid
    7. Having to be your mates personal Instagram photographer. Jackie cant help, she doesn’t control the filters.
    But Jackie thinks you look great just the way you are, as in the first photo or the 200th of the same pose
    8. Can you drink the water at your destination? It’s not up to Jackie, she has no authority over your guts
    Jackie doesn't take crap in the meetings, not your… lets leave this one
    9. Long queues for the attractions. Nothing Jackie can do, but Klook can ;)
    Jackie isn’t removing these people from the group, use Klook queue jump tickets for that (Marketing!)
    10. When your trip comes to an end. Jackie can’t extend it. Damn it Jackie what are you good for?
    No jokes, Jackie shares your disappointment and is excited for your next tip (that she will have no authority over)
    We’re fond fans of Jackie Weaver’s and look forward to her recognising more authority in the future, Zoom to beyond. 
    With Klook you have authority over your travels and get the ultimate control. Stress free travel, your way.