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Help Your bookings After you book How can I contact Klook's Customer Support?

How can I contact Klook's Customer Support?

Here's how you can get in touch with Klook's customer support:

Via bookings

  1. Click on your profile picture in the top right corner of the screen.
  2. Click on "Bookings"
  3. Click on any booking
  4. Scroll down to the "Need help with this booking?" section.
  5. Click on "Chat with us".

Via the Help Center

  1. Go to the Klook Help Center
  2. Click on the Chat icon at the bottom right corner of the screen.

If you're contacting us regarding an existing booking, please include the following information in your enquiry to help us resolve your problem more quickly.

  • Your full name (as stated on your booking)
  • Your booking reference ID (which looks like: ABC123456)
  • The activity name
  • The details of your request
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